I heard it again today, “I DIDN’T GET THE EMAIL.”
Ok listen up folks.
If you want to make money online…
If you want to avoid missing important email notices…
if you want to avoid possible loss of business….
If you want to be professional and follow up quickly with business communication…
You need to know how to check your Spam Folder.
You need to use a RELIABLE EMAIL provider who does not filter your email, or block email or prevent you from conducting your business by marking legitimate email as spam
YOU, and YOU alone are responsible for your business and this means being responsible for effectively managing your email.
Here’s the extent of the problem when people don’t get ALL their email.
-Some people have lost their domain names! Why? They didn’t get their expiration notice!
-Some people have lost their memberships or services! Why? They didn’t get their payment notice!
-Some people have missed out on exclusive offers to save money! Why? They didn’t get the email!
-Some people are missing out on vital training resources! Why? They didn’t get the email!
-Some people are missing out on SALES! Why? They did not get the email from their prospect!
Here’s what to do so this doesn’t happen to you!
-Get a Gmail account. It’s free. It’s effective. In our opinion, GMAIL is the BEST email program on the web and we back that statement up with 20 years of experience doing business online.
-Know or learn how to check your spam folder for whatever email program you are using.
-DON’T use BOXBE. You think it is helping you prevent spam, YUP it stops the spam and legitimate email as well!
-Use ONE email address for your most important communications. Then don’t forget about that address, check it OFTEN.
Spam filters and blocks are costing you money – potentially a lot of money over time. So know what to do to avoid this. Spam is a fact of life. It’s not going away, learn how to manage your business with this fact. We all hate spam but don’t let it cost you money or the loss of important business communications.
Here’s a site created by Worldprofit’s George Kosch specifically to address the problem of spam blockers.
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Worldprofit offers home business training, resources, traffic tools, search engine optimization, online earning programs, domain hosting, Cpanel accounts, word press, affiliate marketing training, blogging tools, and traffic analysis software. Worldprofit offers a free Associate membership get yours at http://www.worldprofitassociates.com
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