The "Nav Bar" is an optional feature that is used with your website to allow people to navigate back to your home page. It can be customized to have up to 5 buttons which can go to any url you like. Google, Bing and other search engines love this because it tells them you are linking to sites you consider important or that are major parts of your own sites. This all helps with your SEO and ability to provide easy navigation on your website. Oh, and of course, there is a detailed social networking/sharing option included!
To use this feature visit Website Management on the top menu and click "Nav Bar" on the top sub menu.
The video here will guide you through all of the options including list building that are all part of this amazing feature.
Yours In Success,
George Kosch
George Kosch is co-founder of Worldprofit and has been in business online for over 20 years.